Underground Vs. Overhead Power Lines: Which One Do You Need for Your Electrical Distribution System?


Do you need new or some additional power in your home, commercial building, plant, etc.? Many considerations usually come into play during power installations. And one crucial component you will need to think about is your choice of power lines. Essentially, two primary methods of power installation exist: overhead and underground. Both overhead and underground power lines will carry the much-needed electricity into your space. However, you may be wondering if one method is better than the other or which one would best suit your needs. Some aspects differentiate the two, and understanding this will help you choose the right one. Here is a quick comparison guide to help you.


Costs vary between the two methods of power line installation, which is essential for your budgeting purposes. Among overhead power lines' top benefits is that they are typically cheaper to install than their underground counterparts. The high initial costs that come with underground power lines are often attributed to the specialised labour, time, materials (more cabling is usually needed) and process that goes into the installation.

Maintenance costs are also high when using underground power lines. This is because it's generally harder to detect faults in underground power lines. Considering that, complex techniques and procedures are necessary to detect and fix any issues, driving the maintenance costs up.


Reliability goes both ways when comparing overhead and underground power lines. First, underground power lines are more reliable when it comes to disruption in the power supply. Unlike their overhead counterparts, underground power lines are hidden from extreme outdoor elements and the environment. This makes them less susceptible to damage from storms, high winds, falling trees, vehicle collisions, etc., which generally contribute to power disruptions.

On the other hand, overhead power lines are more reliable when it comes to the duration of power outages. Since it's usually more complex to detect and fix faults on underground power lines, outages tend to be longer.

Flexibility in Line Modification/Upgrades

Do you need to shift your power lines to accommodate your changing power supply needs? It's much easier to achieve this with overhead power lines than underground lines. Generally, cabling, ductwork and other components needed for underground power lines are installed permanently. This usually makes it extremely difficult to upgrade or modify the underground power lines. If you need to make changes to your underground power line supply, you will need to install new lines, which will be quite expensive


5 March 2021

Understanding the Electrical System In Your Home

Most modern Australian homes rely heavily on electrical power. Unfortunately, not many people realise just how much they rely on electrical power until the power supply to their home is disrupted in some way. There are a number of steps you can take which will help to protect the electricity supply to your home. I am not an electrical contractor, but after a couple of power failures, I have learnt an awful lot from the professional contractors who came out to repair the wiring and fuses in my home. I hope this blog will help you to keep the lights on in your property.